Everything You Need for a Treehouse

Everything You Need for a Treehouse | Avery and Augustine
Everything You Need for a Treehouse | Avery and Augustine
Everything You Need for a Treehouse | Avery and Augustine
Everything You Need for a Treehouse | Avery and Augustine

A lyrical, glorious ode to treehouses and the imaginative, adventurous children who dream them up.  We can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful this book is, inside and out.  It epitomizes the best aspects of childhood — its unfettered creativity, wild imagination, ingenious resourcefulness and inexhaustible magic.  This book is tremendous, and is the type to keep on giving with each read.  If you buy one book this spring...this should most definitely be it.

Everything You Need for a Treehouse was written by Carter Higgins, illustrated by Emily Hughes  and published by Chronicle Books.  It’ll be out soon on April 10.