the airport book

Lately, Nate’s been asking where Florida, Paris and Hong Kong are.  He wants to visit Disneyland in each of those places and wants to go on each park’s version of the Haunted Mansion. lol  I’ve been telling him that they’re far away and that you have to take an airplane to get there, etc.  I’m not quite sure he understands because he’s never flown before.  So, enter The Airport Book.  I like all the of aspects of Lisa Brown’s newest work—the content, the color palette, her illustration style—but I love the design and composition of the page spreads the most.  She really captures the bigness and airiness of an airport, with its comings and goings and ubiquitous swarms of people.  When I first flipped through its pages, I had flashbacks of memorable times spent in airports—waiting, breathing in all the activity, getting lost in the sea of background noise, walking around and looking up at everything.  

 Back to the book—Nate likes all the dialogue between the family members and when we read it, he gets concerned about the whereabouts of the little girl’s monkey.  There are so many details to notice and get lost in on each page and I’ve been enjoying reading and re-reading the book with him.